Building a Regional Powerhouse for Emerging Tech and Economic Development


Our client, a non-profit economic entity, wanted to establish a new, cutting-edge technology and innovation center to drive future economic growth in a specific region. Understanding the need for rigorous, tailored analysis, they sought HRG’s support to build a strategic plan to develop a local emerging technology hub.


Utilizing our stakeholder engagement approach, HRG connected with a wide range of voices and data sources both inside and outside the economic region across five domains:  academia, technology, entrepreneurship, public sector, and industry. Our data told a compelling story for an economic strategy that leveraged the strength of the local ecosystem while taking advantage of the coming economic and technological tailwinds. In partnership with our client, we translated these insights into an actionable and nimble 10-year plan including external partnerships, resource requirements, and governance design.


After HRG’s partnership, our client has launched the technology hub with a disciplined and thoughtful approach to value creation and stakeholder management. The effort has received broad recognition and support from federal agencies, industry partners, investors, and research institutions alike with several formal partnerships established and nearly $300M in funding commitments up front.