Designing an Innovation Hub in the Public Sector


Our client, a public sector health agency, solicited our support to design and launch a national innovation center, drawing inspiration and best practices from world-class incubators and startup accelerators to determine physical space and programs requirements to improve outcomes for the agency’s innovation programs.


HRG’s approach engaged key players to embed our client’s efforts in their local innovation ecosystem while building important strategic connections with regional and national organizations, particularly in Boston’s rich network of med-tech, bio-tech, and e-health incubators. To accomplish this, HRG partnered with our client to organize a multi-day innovation tour in Boston, Massachusetts, which boasts one of the largest concentrations of innovation centers in med-tech, robotics, and startup incubators. The tour, which included visits to academic, state-funded, and private sector programs, provided a comprehensive view of innovation models to our client, including a variety of operating models, physical spaces, and governance structures to convene innovators, venture capital players, and community stakeholders.

Leveraging HRG’s vast innovation network, our visits also included meetings with senior leaders from each organization and facility, building a critical network for our client and drawing key lessons and best practices for founding a new innovation center, which were captured in daily reflection sessions and incorporated into a comprehensive report detailing physical requirements and key drivers for the innovation center’s future success.


Our report informed the initial blueprints and contracting details for the construction of our client’s innovation center, and we have helped our client incorporate the best practices of Boston’s accelerators to replicate their successes while anticipating common pain points that they have faced, particularly in crucial early stages of development. We have also built new collaborations and emerging partnerships with some of the leading innovation organizations from Boston and our client’s local ecosystem, which will expand and enrich programming and professional opportunities for innovators in our client’s organization and the local community.